- Research Codes & Conventions of your chosen film genre - paying particular attention to title sequences.
- Write an audience profile for your film's target audience; remember to consider Primary and Secondary audiences.
- Analyse at least one sequence from your chosen genre individually and one as a group, considering its use of generic conventions. note down any features which you might like to use in your own work.
- Invent a production company name and design a logo for your production company.
For our first task my group created a PowerPoint on the Codes and Conventions of our chosen genre which was Horror/Thriller
During the lesson we discussed with Shaun about what the demographics and psychographics are, we used humans as an example that the demographics of a person could not be changed and these were:
- Age
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Education
- Annual income
- Disposable income
Psychographics are changeable and the example that we came up with was:
- Personality traits
We then went off in our groups and started the task and for the audience profile of our genre this is what my group got as a result:
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