Friday, 21 March 2014

Filming (Monday)

Once we went on the school holidays my group planned a day where we would go out and film most of the shots that we needed. we decided to go the woods that was closest to Hallie (our main actress) because she is only young and we didn't want to keep her out for too long. Her sister (and our groups friend) came with us to help control Hallie and to give some advice about what shots we should do but mostly because she knew the woods really well since she lives close to it. 

We were originally going to film on the Tuesday of half term but due to the good weather that occurred on the monday we decided to film on the monday. 

We already had the shots that we wanted on the story board sheet so my group brought them along that way we would know what shots we had to do. 

The first shot that we did included Hallie picking up a bunch of purple flowers that we found from a random patch in the woods. This shot was not supposed to happen but because we liked the idea so much we decided to keep the shot and also make it a match on action shot.

The next shot that we did was of Hallie walking in front of the camera that was supposed to be the beginning shot on the story board. 

We had to stop filming and move out of the way of the path when dog walkers and families came past, they were nice enough to hurry out of the way and were kind to us. Once all the people were out of the shot we could then continue to get our shots filmed.

Throughout the day we got most of the shots that we needed. Hallie became tired and wanted to go home after we filmed the canted angle shot of her walking through the middle of the woods. After we did this angled shot we convinced her to do it again but with Lucy (the other ghostly character) in the background. We decided to do these two shots to make our shots vary and because the setting was perfect that day we decided to do the shot there.

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